This morning we had another great set I thought I'd share. The team performed very well on multiple levels. The goal was an aerobic endurance level workout, but broken up so that the team could still feel like they were swimming well and at a good rate. I was very pleased and even though we were not completely focused on how fast we were swimming, the team was performing at a very high level.
All the freestylers swam together today, from 50-1650's, which we do on occasion. The sendoff's weren't as important as was controlling their speed and the quality of their swims. A good number of the team chose to use a combinations of fins & paddles on the 100's and we saw some very good swims. Our top men were holding 50-51's, while our top women were around 55-56's
The IM and stroke set used a broken 200 to get their heart rates up, keep their strokes together, and keep their speed on the higher end. We were not adding up time, but almost everyone was close to in-season best times. The middle set worked on keeping the heart rate up with some 100's and an IM, followed by an opportunity to descend some 75's stroke.
The main sets took between 50-55 minutes. I did not include the warmup, but we stretched on deck plus 1000 yards of warmup.
Thursday, November
21, 2013
All FR
1 X 300 @ 4:00/15
(last 100, :05 seconds faster than 1st 2)
1 X 200 @ 2:30/45
(steady effort, continued from last 100)
1 X 100 @ 1:10
1 X 300 @ 4:00/15
(last 100, :05 seconds faster than 1st 2)
1 X 200 @ 2:30/45
(steady effort)
3 X 100 @ 1:15
1 X 300 @ 4:00/15
(last 100, :05 seconds faster than 1st 2)
1 X 200 @ 2:30/45
(steady effort)
5 X 100 @ 1:20
1 X 300 @ 4:00/15
(last 100, :05 seconds faster than 1st 2)
1 X 200 @ 2:30/45
(steady effort)
7 X 100 @ 1:30
*100’s are best
effort, may use fins & paddles.
All IM
X + Y + X + Y + X + Y
+ 2X
X = fast 200 IM broken as follows:
1 X 75 @ 1:00 (50FL/25BK)
1 X 50 @ 45
3 X 25 @ 30 (1BR, 2
Y =
3 X 100 FR @ 1:10/15
1 X 200 IM @ 2:30/45
4 X 75 stroke @ 1:15
descend 1-4
*limit the rest
between sets to less than :30 or none
X + Y + X + Y + X + Y
+ 2X
X =fast broken 200
stroke as follows
1 X 75 @ 1:00
1 X 50 @ 45
3 X 25 @ 30
Y =
3 X 100 FR @ 1:10/15
1 X 200 @ 2:30/45
(steady pace)
4 X 75 Kick @ 1:20
descend 1-4