I have also copied the chart below. My strokes did the cruise 100-150-200's stroke and did pretty well. The only group that was a little slower than the chart was our BR group, so I will adust that next time. This was are largest amount of cruise speed swimming all season so far. We started around 300 yards at these speeds and have built up to today's volume over about 6 weeks. I gave them sendoff's so that it was about equal work:rest ratio.
15 minutes dryland (med balls, yoga, or boxing depending on your group)
300 EZ (open turns) - practice good streamlines to start every workout
200 buddy kick
3 X 100 @ 1:30 descend 1-3 down to best 100 time + :15
8 rounds of:
1 X 50 Kick AO @ :45 (our best kickers were under :35, most were under :40)
1 X 100 FR @ 1:30 (stretch)
6 X 100 @ 1:45 (see chart)
1 X 100 EZ
6 Rounds of:
1 X 75 Kick AO @ 1:15 (our best kickers were under 55, most were around 60
1 X 100 @ 1:30 (stretch)
4 X 150 @ 3:00 (see chart)
1 X 100 EZ
4 Rounds of:
1 X 100 Kick AO @ 1:30 (our best kickers were under 1:15, most were between 1:20-25)
1 X 100 Swim @ 1:45 (stretch)
2 X 200 @ 4:00 (see chart)
200 PR 100 Pace 125 Pace 150 Pace 200
Pace 300 Pace
1:35-1:39 51.5-53.5 1:06.0-1:08.0 1:21.0-123.5 1:48.5-1:151.5 2:49.0-2:53.0
1:40-1:44 54.0-56.0 1:09.0-1:11.0 1:24.0-1:26.5 1:53.5-1:56.5 2:55.0-2:59.0
1:45-1:49 56.5-58.5 1:12.0-1:14.0 127.0-1:29.5 1:58.5-2:01.5 3:01.5-3:05.5
1:50-1:54 59.0-1:01.0 1:15.0-1:17.0 1:31.5-1:34.0 2:03.5-2:06.5 3:10.0-3:14.0
1:55-1:59 1:01.5-1:03.5 1:18.5-1:20.5 1:35.5-1:38.0 2:08.5-2:11.5 3:19.5-3:23.5
2:00-2:04 1:04.0-1:06.0 1:21.5-1:23.5 1:39.0-1:41.5 2:13.5-2:16.5 3:25.0-3:29.0
2:05-2:09 1:06.5-1:08.5 1:24.5-1:26.5 1:42.5-1:45.0 2:18.5-2:21.5 3:32.5-3:36.5
2:10-2:14 1:09.0-1:11.0 1:27.5-1:29.5 1:46.0-1:48.5 2:23.5-2:26.5 3:38.0-3:43.0
2:15-2:19 1:11.5-1:13.5 1:30.5-1:32.5 1:49.5-1:52.0 2:28.5-2:31.5 3:45.5-3:52.5
DG, great workout! Looks like you're whipping them into shape fast this year. Wish I could still hold those paces.