15 minute land warmup - dynamic stretching with poles, doing inch worms, hurdle stretches, scarecrows and scorpions, and several others.
15 minutes of weights: We did a crossfit style workout which gets the heart rate up and keeps it up. The women used a bar loaded with about 50 lbs. and did Front Squats to push press, burpees, Sumo Deadlift Highpull, and Tuckups doing sets of 21 reps each, 15 reps each and a set of 9 reps each all done with no rest for time. Most of the team were done between 8-10 minutes. Very good workout, with high intensity. The men did a crossfit workout called "Fran" which they used Olympic lifting bars loaded to around 95 lbs. It consists of Front Squat to Push Press, and Pullups, with the same pattern as the women, a set of 21 each, 15 each, and 9 each, done straight through for time. It took the men 5-10 minutes. Very effective, loved the results, and competitive, just make sure the men don't get too greedy with the weight as some of them had too much weight and paid the price.
Swim Workout:
1000 Warmup including swimming, pulling, and kicking
Main Set:
3 rounds:
8 X 75 2 @ 50, 2 @ 55, 2 @ 60, 2 EZ @ 1:30 (first 6 were to be kept under 50, and some were well under, the last 2 are recover. We also had a small group go on 55, 60, 65)
4 X 125 @ 2:00 Odd - cruise speed*
#2 - ez swimming to recover
#4 - Kick, 75 build to 50 AO
*Cruise Speed is below and is based on best 200 times. I took this from Paul Yetter at T2 Aquatics and it has worked well.
*You could also do stroke on the cruise speeds, although we didn't, as we were going into exam week and were just focusing on swimming with some speed and getting HR's up.
*I like swimming with increasing sendoff often like you see in the 75's as it usually get's them going early in the set, and allows them to maintain the speed, and most can even get faster as the interval get's slower.
200 PR 125 Cruise Speed
1:35-39 1:06-1:08
1:40-44 1:09-1:11
1:45-49 1:12-14
1:50-54 1:15-17
1:55-59 1:18.5-20.5
2:00-2:04 1:21.5-1:23.5
2:05-2:09 1:24.5-1:26.5
I hope this helps with your workouts!
Malachi 4: "Surely the day is coming....."
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