Sometimes, it funny how the Lord puts you in the right place at the right time. This past Sunday, I heard a sermon that really influenced me. It talked about new goals, fears, finding God's presence and what Jesus does when you let him in the boat. It carried over to what we are experiencing at this very moment with new semesters, new teammates, new goals, and all the fears that go along with it.
First, I have to give credit to where credit is due. Rev. Peter Jonker was the pastor and the sermon took place at LaGrave Ave. CRC this past Sunday. Here is a link to the audio version. It is well worth the 15 minutes.
I hope that link works! if not go to the church website and to the sermon search and you'll find the title.
I used the key points with my team yesterday for our weekly devotions. The sermon comes from the story of when Jesus called Peter to be a disciple, first using Peter's boat as a pulpit and then proceeding to tell Peter to go out in the deep water (after spending all night catching nothing) and catches more fish than his boat can carry. If you don't know the story it can be found in Luke 5:1-11.
1. Once you let Jesus in the boat He will push and challenge you. If you break down the story, Peter was not seeking Jesus out. He was coming in after a long night of bad fishing when he gets sweet talked by this Rabbi to use his boat to preach a sermon, then going out and into deep waters to catch fish he couldn't catch all night long. Peter was probably rolling his eyes like we all do when asked to do something above and beyond what we are ready for.
2. Once you let Jesus in the boat He will show you a whole new world. By letting Jesus into the boat, Peter's life changed. He saw and did thing he never imagined were possible. Peter walked on water, witnessed the transfiguration, the cross, and countless other miracles. Who knows what is out there if you don't let him in the boat.
3. When Jesus pushes you there is fear. Every time Jesus shows up in peoples lives throughout the bible there is always a fear. From Isaiah to Mary after the resurrection to the shepherds tending their flock by night. If you are looking for God's presence in today's world, it could very well be in the fear we experience when we are being pushed to speak about our faith, or get involved in a new group, or stand up for what we believe. In the sermon, Peter Jonker says that kind of fear is God sent.
If you have time, listen to the sermon, I hope it speaks to you as it spoke to me
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