Thursday, September 26, 2013

What Motivates You?

We all have our goals, needs, and desires that motivate us on a daily basis, however, there are always days where we have no motivation.  Why does that happen and how do we keep it from happening? Here are my thoughts:

1. Personal goals will only get you so far.  I believe the days in which our motivation levels are low are the days we are being selfish and just thinking about ME.  Times, awards, and medals are great, but there is more and these goals need to be tied to something bigger.

2. Contribute to someone else' goals. Everything you do has an impact on somebody else.  You can either push someone or a group of people forward or be the anchor that keeps everyone from setting sail. If you can't push yourself forward, push somebody else forward.  In fact, it should be in that order in the first place. Contribute to your teams success, don't be the week link.

3. Turn goals into behaviors.  Goals are where we want the journey to end, however, how do you have to act to get there, what behaviors do you have to learn. Focus on those behaviors and not the finish line.

The next time you need some motivation, stop thinking about yourself, make someone else better, and focus on the lessons and behaviors your goals are forcing you to learn.  I think you will be more successful.

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